Having worked within fashion and retail I have had the honor of meeting so many wonderful women. I am slowly writing a book about all the stories that have come from my conversations within a dressing room. When a woman enters a dressing room she becomes naked not only in the literal sense but often with her feelings and emotions. Within moments of meeting someone we become closest of companions. Stories of hardships and the happiest of life's moments are shared: an understanding, compassion and many of life’s lessons are taught to me in these precious moments. My career has developed into a journey through a timeline with a client. From the moment she is selecting her bridal attire, to everyday fashionable looks, through her active moments of life, into the design and comfort of her home, and then work with the client after a medical challenge. Clothes often become difficult to wear again after the body alters. I have had the honor with my custom creations to help women not lose their identity but to feel even better in their new skin. Every client and design is truly unique.